Is Your Tongue a Tree of Life? – The Proverbs Series

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“A gentle tongue is a tree of life,
but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.”

Proverbs 15:4

 A “tree of life” most likely makes you think of the Garden of Eden. But what does it mean that a gentle tongue is a “tree of life?”

Our words can hurt, or they can heal. They can build others up, or tear them down. I’m sure you’ve been hurt by what someone has said at some point in your life. And maybe you have even hurt others with your own words. On the other hand, I’m sure you’ve been encouraged by others’ words and you have encouraged others also. 

The Power of Our Words

As a kindergarten and elementary teacher, I see how words affect children all day. One student teases another student, and that child ends up crying. I, as the teacher, comfort that student and then use positive words and care to make him or her feel better. I also have the other student who was at fault apologize and explain why we shouldn’t tease our friends. After that, things are much better and those children are usually playing together again minutes later.

In our daily lives, words affect all of us. Spiritually, that’s true too. In Psalms 1:3 it says how a man is like a tree that is watered daily. If we are like a tree, then our words are like the fruit of that tree. Jesus talks about this in Matthew 12:33-37.

“Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit…For out of of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.

Here, Jesus compares our words to fruit, things that are a result of what’s within. He also says that we will be accountable for our words – both good and bad. If we are truly followers of Christ, then the words we speak about the Bible must bring people closer to knowing God and His Word, rather than turn them away from it. James 3 talks about taming the tongue, as it can wound others just as easily as it builds others up. 

Watch Your Mouth!

If we speak God’s Word in a gentle and loving way, others will be more likely to listen and perhaps come to belief. But if we speak harshly to others or use the Bible to judge others’ actions, then of course they won’t want to know God. If they see people who claim to believe in God treat and speak to others badly, why would they want to be a part of that?

The next time you speak with someone, think about the effects your words may have on that person. If you speak about the Bible, you must especially think about whether your words will bring people closer to God’s Word or not.

Let your tongue, your mouth be a source of life. Let only gentle, good, life-giving words come out of you. However, to speak words like that, it means that we ourselves must have those qualities within us. Seek to become a tree of life, someone who has God’s seed, His Word, within them.

Written by Kenny

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