Why Are the Pharisees the Bad Guys in the New Testament?

pharisees, bad guys, new testament, jesus

Heretic! Demon possessed! Liar! 

A roar of countless voices hurls insults at Jesus. Hands grasping stones, prepared to throw. You’d maybe expect this kind of treatment for a cold-blooded criminal. But not for Jesus, the Son of God. Nevertheless, this is the kind of treatment he received when he went out to do the work of God. Most of us know that Jesus was not well-received during the time he was alive. But do you know who was to blame for Jesus’ treatment?

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Good and Bad Fruit in the Bible: Which One Are You Eating?

good fruit, bad fruit, fruit of life, tree of life, God's Word,

Good Fruits and Bad Fruits

How often do you eat fruit in a week? Do you have a favorite? As we all know, fruits are healthy and provide important nutrition for our bodies. When you go grocery shopping, I’m sure you take your time when selecting which fruits you’re going to purchase. You look for the ones that are ripe (or soon to be ripe), but stay away from ones that are beginning to spot or are a little too squishy. But sometimes grabbing a rotten fruit is unavoidable and you take it home. 

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How to Worship God According to the Bible

worhip God, Bible, God's Word

If you’ve been around to many churches like me, you’ll know that every church has its own way of conducting worship. I’ve been to ‘hip’ churches for young college students that had a rotating roster of seven bands to fit everyone’s tastes. I’ve been to churches that share music from YouTube instead of having a live band. And I’ve been to churches where the congregation members speak in tongues and collapse in tears as the music hits its emotional peak. It seems as though Christianity is all over the board when it comes to worshiping God. And while we all want to worship God in the way we feel is best, let’s take a moment to consider what worship actually is and if we’re doing it according to the Bible.

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Is God Able to Trust Everyone?

God trust, God's plan, believers

Trust. What does this word mean to you? Do you give your trust easily? Or does it take a lot of time and effort for you to even start thinking about trusting someone new? When we think about the ones we trust the most, think about what has led you to give it. Usually it has something to do with time. You’ve known them since childhood or their friendship has weathered the test of time. Or maybe they’ve proven that they are reliable again and again and will be there when we need them. For those that do have our trust, we could probably all agree that these people are the ones we would be okay sharing our important information or vulnerable feelings with. We trust these people to safeguard our secrets and the things we hold closest to the heart.

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How Can I Live a Righteous Life?

righteous life, God, faith

Am I good enough? Does God care about me or listen to my prayers? Am I Iiving a righteous life? How do I know if I am doing things the ‘right’ way? If you’ve ever had these types of thoughts, then you’re surely not alone. I know I personally struggled a lot with these questions and negative feelings when I was growing up, despite always making sure to put on the facade of a good, happy, Christian daughter.

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Why Are There So Many Denominations in Christianity?

division, denominations, christianity

Have you ever wondered why there are so many different denominations of Christianity? And they aren’t just different in name, each denomination has its own understanding of Scripture. They have different traditions, different ways to worship, and various things that each regards as important.

For example, at a Catholic church, communion and confession are vital. At a Pentecostal church, speaking in tongues is emphasized. At other churches with different denominations, baptism, praise, or volunteer work have greater value. 

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Expectation vs Reality: Jesus, the Man of Sorrows

Jesus, expectations, reality

How Do You Imagine Jesus? (Our Own Expectations)

When you think of Jesus, what comes to mind? Is it a tall, handsome, bearded man with long flowing hair, deep brown eyes, and tan skin? Or something completely different? Christians around the world all have their own ideas and expectations of what Jesus looked like, who he was, and what he did and taught. Media also depicts Jesus in various ways. His appearance and demeanor changes according to the cultures of believers around the world. For example, we’ve got Black Jesus, Jewish Jesus, White Jesus, Asian Jesus, and Hulk Jesus. Yet, no matter the culture or appearance, people usually portray him as a humble, kind, and loving man.

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We Talk About the Bible At Church…So Why Can’t I Understand It?

bible, church, understanding

As believers, we should consider from time to time, what’s the purpose of going to church? What’s the purpose of learning God’s word? Is it for community? Is it to understand the Bible and God more?

It’s good to take time to reflect on our current lives of faith. Are we content with them? And if we’re not, then what should we do? When we go to church and talk about God or the Bible, do we understand everything we learn?

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Do You Want to Be Known As A Sheep?

sheep, sheep-like believer

How would you feel if someone called you a sheep? Do you consider it to be a compliment or an insult? A quick search on Google or YouTube will promptly give you countless articles and videos about why you should be a black sheep, the different one, or motivation to be a lion among the sheep. So, then there’s this feeling or perception that…it’s not desirable to be a sheep.

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