What It Means to Have “The Fear of the Lord”

Fear of the Lord

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Proverbs 1:7

What do you fear? The word “fear” can mean “scared” or “afraid”. Maybe you fear spiders or snakes, being attacked in the middle of the night; maybe you fear loneliness or isolation. There are many different things people are afraid of. I fear getting in a fight. I don’t want to get punched or hit. But when the Bible talks about “fearing the Lord”, is it referring to this same kind of fear? 

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Why Are There So Many Denominations in Christianity?

division, denominations, christianity

Have you ever wondered why there are so many different denominations of Christianity? And they aren’t just different in name, each denomination has its own understanding of Scripture. They have different traditions, different ways to worship, and various things that each regards as important.

For example, at a Catholic church, communion and confession are vital. At a Pentecostal church, speaking in tongues is emphasized. At other churches with different denominations, baptism, praise, or volunteer work have greater value. 

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One Sin to Rule Them All

If you’ve read the “Lord of the Rings” books or have seen the movies, then you probably know about the “One Ring,” right? 

“One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them.

One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them!”

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

This ring was made by the dark lord, Sauron, to rule and dominate all life on Middle Earth. Through the use of the ring, his influence spread, and all kinds of races – elves, men, dwarves – began to fight with and distrust one another. A result of the evil that was now all over the world. The evil power of that ring allowed Sauron to control others with his will. Anyone who carried that ring began to look more and more like it’s owner – dark, evil, greedy and selfish. It caused wars between kingdoms and peoples. While the Lord of the Rings is just a story, if you look at the world today, don’t you feel the similarities? In our own world, are people more united or more divided? What is the cause of the division and fighting? 

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Playing Hide and Seek with God

Hide and seek. It’s a game most of us are very familiar with and have played many times. We all know that rush of excitement and nervousness as the seeker begins their countdown while everyone else makes a mad dash to find that perfect hiding spot. The anticipation builds when you hear that, “Ready or not, here I come!” And then it’s time to hold your breath as you hope to remain unfound.

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