Be Careful of Who You Accept Counsel From – The Proverbs Series

counsel, advice, wisdom, righteous, wicked, God, God's Word

The thoughts of the righteous are just;
the counsel of the wicked is deceitful.

Proverbs 12:5

The “thoughts of the righteous” and the “counsel of the wicked” bring to my mind the image of a just and fair king who has a corrupt advisor. An example that immediately comes to my mind is from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. There is King Theoden of Rohan and his wicked, greedy advisor, Wormtongue. Wormtongue lied to the king and subtly influenced the king through his deceiful counsel when the king was making decisions. This wicked advisor wanted to undermine the king’s authority and take the kingdom for his true master, an evil and cruel leader. 

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Good and Bad Fruit in the Bible: Which One Are You Eating?

good fruit, bad fruit, fruit of life, tree of life, God's Word,

Good Fruits and Bad Fruits

How often do you eat fruit in a week? Do you have a favorite? As we all know, fruits are healthy and provide important nutrition for our bodies. When you go grocery shopping, I’m sure you take your time when selecting which fruits you’re going to purchase. You look for the ones that are ripe (or soon to be ripe), but stay away from ones that are beginning to spot or are a little too squishy. But sometimes grabbing a rotten fruit is unavoidable and you take it home. 

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