The Moment You Think You’re Safe, Think Again, or Destruction Will Come

Destruction in the Bible

Previously I wrote a post about what it means to betray God. Betraying God means leaving His Word, receiving false teachings after knowing the truth (like Adam eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil even though he knew not to), and death – both physically and spiritually (Rev. 20:15, 21:8).

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Are You Prudent or Simple in Your Faith? – The Proverbs Series

prudent, simple, faith, God's Word

“The simple believes everything,
but the prudent gives thought to his steps.” 

Proverbs 14:15

What does it mean to be “prudent”? Being prudent is to be thoughtful and discerning…to not be hasty. Prudent people think about the possible consequences of their decisions before making them. We often show this quality when deciding which university to attend, or who we want to marry, or even the type of job we want. There are plenty of important decisions we give thought to before making them. But what does it mean to be prudent in the Bible? 

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Why Did God Create Satan…Or Did He?

did god create satan, lucifer, God's will, Bible

Have you ever created something?

It could’ve been a sculpture, a table, a painting, or another invention of some kind. How did you feel once it was completed? Maybe you were happy, proud even, to see your finished product. Now imagine that your creation, the thing you spent endless hours of work on, pouring all of your effort into, was then damaged, or destroyed by someone…on purpose. All of that hard work and dedication to make this beautiful creation…ruined. What kinds of feelings or thoughts would go through your mind?

In the Bible, we see that all of God’s creations that were originally made to be precious and good have become damaged, corrupted. This was all because of a deep betrayal. Who betrayed God and damaged His creation? Satan.

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The End of the World…Or Is It?


Did you shiver? Does it scare you? We’ve made it into the book of destruction, the end of the world. When’s the last time you read Revelation? Take a moment, skim through it…does it seem ominous? Terrifying? With things like dragons, seven-headed ten-horned beasts, a great prostitute, and beasts coming out of the sea and earth…and of course we can’t forget…the mark of the beast…6…6…6. This book is filled with things that make for the perfect apocalyptic movie (and actually has been used for them many times).

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