What is God’s Big Picture?

God's big picture, God's plan, God's purpose

The big picture. It’s important to know, but easy to forget about. It’s easy for our thoughts and minds to be completely consumed with what’s right in front of us. Maybe it’s unexpected bad news. Perhaps it was something someone said to you, or a huge event or presentation looming before you. No matter how hard you try, it’s all you can think about, captivating your attention at all times. 

We often lose sight of the big picture when hard times hit or when we focus too much on the little details. As believers, it’s often our lives of faith that end up getting pushed to the sidelines when something in life hits us hard and consumes our thoughts. God and His plans are forgotten while we worry about the other issues right in front of us. What happens when we forget about the big picture? And before we even answer that, another question: what is God’s big picture? 

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Expectation vs Reality: Jesus, the Man of Sorrows

Jesus, expectations, reality

How Do You Imagine Jesus? (Our Own Expectations)

When you think of Jesus, what comes to mind? Is it a tall, handsome, bearded man with long flowing hair, deep brown eyes, and tan skin? Or something completely different? Christians around the world all have their own ideas and expectations of what Jesus looked like, who he was, and what he did and taught. Media also depicts Jesus in various ways. His appearance and demeanor changes according to the cultures of believers around the world. For example, we’ve got Black Jesus, Jewish Jesus, White Jesus, Asian Jesus, and Hulk Jesus. Yet, no matter the culture or appearance, people usually portray him as a humble, kind, and loving man.

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