What Are You Sacrificing for Your Life of Faith?

sacrificing for your life of faith, sacrifice, jesus, disciples, abraham, faith

How much would you say you’re sacrificing for your life of faith on a day-to-day basis? 

This probably isn’t a typical discussion question with friends or family, because for many, it’s not a very comfortable conversation. Growing up, I used to think that being a Christian required a lot of sacrifice. As someone who’s definitely not a morning person, getting up early every Sunday morning for church required tons of effort. That was a sacrifice, right? Plus, I spent lots of time at countless volunteering activities and outreaches.

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Do You Want to Be Known As A Sheep?

sheep, sheep-like believer

How would you feel if someone called you a sheep? Do you consider it to be a compliment or an insult? A quick search on Google or YouTube will promptly give you countless articles and videos about why you should be a black sheep, the different one, or motivation to be a lion among the sheep. So, then there’s this feeling or perception that…it’s not desirable to be a sheep.

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Are You One of THOSE Christians?

Have you ever seen someone standing on the side of the road or in the middle of a public space, shouting something along the lines of, “Repent or you’re going to hell!”? Extra points if they have a megaphone or are waving a sign. I saw this almost every day in college. Appropriately named, the Bell Hall Preacher camped outside the university’s highest-traffic building to condemn us to eternal fire. 

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Playing Hide and Seek with God

Hide and seek. It’s a game most of us are very familiar with and have played many times. We all know that rush of excitement and nervousness as the seeker begins their countdown while everyone else makes a mad dash to find that perfect hiding spot. The anticipation builds when you hear that, “Ready or not, here I come!” And then it’s time to hold your breath as you hope to remain unfound.

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