How To Make Sure God Will Answer Your Prayers

answer your prayers, prayer, God', Bible

Whether religious or not, prayer is a big part of many people’s lives. For Christians, it’s a time when we can talk to God, open our hearts to Him, ask for forgiveness and help, or thank Him. Have you ever prayed really hard for something…but then…nothing? Radio silence. It seems like nothing happened, and you might start to wonder – was God not listening? Does God even answer my prayers? Or did He just choose not to answer that prayer? When we feel this way, we should consider the following points.

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Do You Love God in the Way He Wants to Be Loved?

love god, love, Bible, God's love

How do you show your parents that you love them? Do you put a lot of thought into it?

When we are young, we usually express our love for our parents by giving them things that we like. 

“I think this is a nice picture, so Mom will be happy to have it.” 

“This is my favorite toy, so Dad will like it too.” 

And of course, our parents accept these miscellaneous objects as precious gifts. It’s not because they necessarily want that crayon drawing or those Lego pieces, but because they know the pure intentions of their children’s hearts. 

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