What Does Heaven Look Like?

what does heaven look like, heaven, god's dwelling, heaven on earth

If you asked a hundred different people the question, “What does heaven look like?”, I’m sure you’d receive a hundred different answers. To some, heaven may be that “perfect day” where everything goes just right. To others, heaven may be a time and place with loved ones. Countless people will say is a place in the sky where you go to after you die. Many will also say that heaven is where God or their deity lives.

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Why Can’t I See God? How to Believe in the One You Can’t See

see, believe, why can't i see God, God's Word, promise

At one point or another, most people have spent time considering the existence of God. It comes up in good times and bad, while we’re surrounded by other people in conversation or alone with our own thoughts. This thought, in some shape or form, has probably crossed everyone’s mind: Why can’t I see God? It would be so much easier to believe if He just came down and let me see Him.

I’ve lied awake waiting for that spiritual experience, a sign–anything. But I never saw God. They say that “seeing is believing” but perhaps that phrase needs some revision. 

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