Why Don’t We Follow the Laws of the Old Testament?

laws of the old testament, Bible, God's law, law of Moses

If you have been around the church for a while, you’ve probably heard about the ‘Ten Commandments’ or the Law that God gave to the Israelites. Introducing these Laws of the Old Testament brought about a great shift in the way people at the time lived their lives. Now, there was a clear line between right and wrong. Now they had to be mindful and self-controlled about every decision they made.

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What It Means to Have “The Fear of the Lord”

Fear of the Lord

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Proverbs 1:7

What do you fear? The word “fear” can mean “scared” or “afraid”. Maybe you fear spiders or snakes, being attacked in the middle of the night; maybe you fear loneliness or isolation. There are many different things people are afraid of. I fear getting in a fight. I don’t want to get punched or hit. But when the Bible talks about “fearing the Lord”, is it referring to this same kind of fear? 

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A Closer Look: Moses, the Promised Savior of the Israelites

Moses, savior, Bible, God, Israelites

Moses – What does his name make you think of? Maybe movies such as, “The Ten Commandments” or “The Prince of Egypt” come to mind. Moses is definitely one of the most famous Biblical figures from the Old Testament. He grew up in Pharaoh’s palace, only to come back later and free God’s people. He penned the first five books of the Bible: Genesis through Deuteronomy. God chose him to give His Law and Commandments to the Israelites.

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Who Does God Want to Save? Just Christians or All People?

God save, God's will, Christianity, salvation

“It doesn’t matter. I’m going to hell anyway,” they say. Their faces tell it all, God hates me. God only cares about Christians. For one reason or another, many non-Christians often feel like God doesn’t care if they go to heaven or not. Like they’re on some blacklist with a sealed fate. But the truth is, God doesn’t only have Christians in His heart to save and redeem. He looks upon the whole world with this hope:

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Why Can’t I See God? How to Believe in the One You Can’t See

see, believe, why can't i see God, God's Word, promise

At one point or another, most people have spent time considering the existence of God. It comes up in good times and bad, while we’re surrounded by other people in conversation or alone with our own thoughts. This thought, in some shape or form, has probably crossed everyone’s mind: Why can’t I see God? It would be so much easier to believe if He just came down and let me see Him.

I’ve lied awake waiting for that spiritual experience, a sign–anything. But I never saw God. They say that “seeing is believing” but perhaps that phrase needs some revision. 

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How to Worship God According to the Bible

worhip God, Bible, God's Word

If you’ve been around to many churches like me, you’ll know that every church has its own way of conducting worship. I’ve been to ‘hip’ churches for young college students that had a rotating roster of seven bands to fit everyone’s tastes. I’ve been to churches that share music from YouTube instead of having a live band. And I’ve been to churches where the congregation members speak in tongues and collapse in tears as the music hits its emotional peak. It seems as though Christianity is all over the board when it comes to worshiping God. And while we all want to worship God in the way we feel is best, let’s take a moment to consider what worship actually is and if we’re doing it according to the Bible.

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Is God Able to Trust Everyone?

God trust, God's plan, believers

Trust. What does this word mean to you? Do you give your trust easily? Or does it take a lot of time and effort for you to even start thinking about trusting someone new? When we think about the ones we trust the most, think about what has led you to give it. Usually it has something to do with time. You’ve known them since childhood or their friendship has weathered the test of time. Or maybe they’ve proven that they are reliable again and again and will be there when we need them. For those that do have our trust, we could probably all agree that these people are the ones we would be okay sharing our important information or vulnerable feelings with. We trust these people to safeguard our secrets and the things we hold closest to the heart.

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Do You Think You Would Have Believed in Jesus 2,000 Years Ago?

What do you think it was like 2,000 years ago when Jesus was here? Would you have recognized or believed in him?

Before Jesus came, God had prophesied the coming of a Messiah to Israel through the prophets. Then, Jesus came according to those prophecies. But the question is, did the Israelites accept him as their Savior? And I think most people know the answer to that question: No. 

But let’s just sit back for a second and think about why they didn’t and then ask yourself,

‘Would I have believed in Jesus at that time?’

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