What is the Book of Timothy About?

What is the Book of Timothy About? What is 1 Timothy about? What is 2 Timothy about?

An Overview of 1 & 2 Timothy

Paul writes two letters to a young pastor named Timothy, whom Paul considers to be his spiritual child (1 Tim 1:2). Paul was in prison for preaching the gospel and was sentenced to death. Timothy was a newly appointed pastor in the church at Ephesus, and at the time, some people in the congregation were preaching false doctrines, or not staying true to their appointed roles and tasks.

Paul reminds Timothy to teach sound doctrine, and not accept another gospel. In 2 Timothy, Paul reminds the young pastor (and us) to guard ourselves against false doctrines, to be a “good soldier for Christ” and work to please God with our work. He reminds us that many people will turn away from the Word in the last days, but the Word of God should still be preached “in season and out of season”, meaning at all times. Paul finishes his letter saying how he’s “fought the good fight” and now goes to be with the Lord in heaven.

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How To Make Sure God Will Answer Your Prayers

answer your prayers, prayer, God', Bible

Whether religious or not, prayer is a big part of many people’s lives. For Christians, it’s a time when we can talk to God, open our hearts to Him, ask for forgiveness and help, or thank Him. Have you ever prayed really hard for something…but then…nothing? Radio silence. It seems like nothing happened, and you might start to wonder – was God not listening? Does God even answer my prayers? Or did He just choose not to answer that prayer? When we feel this way, we should consider the following points.

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Are You a Righteous Guide? – The Proverbs Series

righteous guide, bible, guide, counsel, the proverbs series

“One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor,
but the way of the wicked leads them astray.”

Proverbs 12:26

Have you ever counseled and guided someone before? It could be a friend, family member, or an acquaintance. Counseling is an important tool for helping others deal with all kinds of issues – finances, relationships, or other personal things. Counseling guides people to figure out the best way to resolve those issues that need addressing. It helps them get back to a sense of normalcy in life.

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What Does Heaven Look Like?

what does heaven look like, heaven, god's dwelling, heaven on earth

If you asked a hundred different people the question, “What does heaven look like?”, I’m sure you’d receive a hundred different answers. To some, heaven may be that “perfect day” where everything goes just right. To others, heaven may be a time and place with loved ones. Countless people will say is a place in the sky where you go to after you die. Many will also say that heaven is where God or their deity lives.

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When We Are Weak, He is Strong

weak, weakness, God's strength, God's glory

If it’s your job to delegate important tasks on a team, do you choose a member who is weak? Or do you generally choose the person most qualified in knowledge, skill, and experience and leave them to it? It’s perfectly acceptable and expected to do this in our daily lives. But have you ever noticed that the ones who are chosen by God to lead His people and preach His word aren’t always the most learned, the most willing, or the most objectively “qualified?” 

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Why Do We Pray in the Name of Jesus?

pray in the name of Jesus, pray in Jesus' name, pray, prayer, Jesus, God, Bible

Prayer – it’s something all religions have and many people do, even when they don’t believe in God or a higher power. Some people recite lengthy prayers, while others might lift up a quick few words. Prayer is how believers of any faith communicate with the deity they believe in. People pray for blessings and for physical needs or desires. They pray to share their feelings and thoughts with their deity or the universe. 

For Christians, we pray to God, the Creator and Father of our spirits.  When it comes to the end of the prayer though, how should we end it? Do we just say “Amen” and be done with it? 

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What is God’s Big Picture?

God's big picture, God's plan, God's purpose

The big picture. It’s important to know, but easy to forget about. It’s easy for our thoughts and minds to be completely consumed with what’s right in front of us. Maybe it’s unexpected bad news. Perhaps it was something someone said to you, or a huge event or presentation looming before you. No matter how hard you try, it’s all you can think about, captivating your attention at all times. 

We often lose sight of the big picture when hard times hit or when we focus too much on the little details. As believers, it’s often our lives of faith that end up getting pushed to the sidelines when something in life hits us hard and consumes our thoughts. God and His plans are forgotten while we worry about the other issues right in front of us. What happens when we forget about the big picture? And before we even answer that, another question: what is God’s big picture? 

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Going to Heaven Might Not Be As Easy As You Think

going to heaven, go to heaven, how to go to heaven, jesus, salvation

Ask any Christian, “Why do you carry out a life of faith?” To go to heaven will probably be at the top of most people’s list. But take those same people and ask, “How do you get to heaven?” and then you might start to get different answers. 

Some people say you just need to believe in Jesus, while others say you need to be a good person and do good things for others, or countless different other answers. Well, which is it? How can I know 100% that I’m going to heaven? And what do God and Jesus have to say about this in the Bible? We’ll learn that it’s not as easy as some may think. 

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The Cost of Following God’s Truth

cost of following the truth, cost of following God's truth, price, God, Jesus, persecution

Have you ever considered, or has it ever felt like there was a cost for following God’s truth? That you would have to suffer something difficult or pay a price for your faith? What would that cost look like in our daily lives? And more importantly, would we be willing to pay it?

It’s easy to say yes. But when we examine those who followed the truth throughout the Bible, we can see that the price they paid was high. And what is this Truth we are referring to? John 17:17 tells us that God’s Word is truth. God’s Word, the Bible, the way we get to know God and the way we can learn about salvation. Those who followed God’s Words throughout history faced unnaturally harsh persecution and hardships. Why? Because in a world full of lies, they pursued God’s truth. 

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