How To Make Sure God Will Answer Your Prayers

answer your prayers, prayer, God', Bible

Whether religious or not, prayer is a big part of many people’s lives. For Christians, it’s a time when we can talk to God, open our hearts to Him, ask for forgiveness and help, or thank Him. Have you ever prayed really hard for something…but then…nothing? Radio silence. It seems like nothing happened, and you might start to wonder – was God not listening? Does God even answer my prayers? Or did He just choose not to answer that prayer? When we feel this way, we should consider the following points.

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Why Do We Pray in the Name of Jesus?

pray in the name of Jesus, pray in Jesus' name, pray, prayer, Jesus, God, Bible

Prayer – it’s something all religions have and many people do, even when they don’t believe in God or a higher power. Some people recite lengthy prayers, while others might lift up a quick few words. Prayer is how believers of any faith communicate with the deity they believe in. People pray for blessings and for physical needs or desires. They pray to share their feelings and thoughts with their deity or the universe. 

For Christians, we pray to God, the Creator and Father of our spirits.  When it comes to the end of the prayer though, how should we end it? Do we just say “Amen” and be done with it? 

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6 Practical Tips to Improve Your Life of Faith

It’s start of a new year. A time when motivation for change is at an all-time high and people all around the world renew their energy. It’s a time to start with a clean slate and move on from the shortcomings of the previous year. As a Christian, one of the goals I always made at the beginning of each year was to “have a stronger relationship with God” or “improve my life of faith”. 

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Does Questioning My Faith Make Me A Bad Christian?

I’m a millennial. Now, don’t leave just yet. I know millennials don’t always have the best reputation, but just hear me out. Or maybe you’re even a millennial yourself – welcome, you’ve come to the right place.  Millennials can be known as those who are always creating change. We’re also opinionated, we dig deep, seek truth, seek justice, and my personal favorite, we ask questions

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