Why Is God So Angry in the Bible?

God's wrath, God's anger, faith, love, betrayal, obedience, disobedience

Why does God seem so angry in the Old Testament? And why does He always destroy the Israelites, the very people He created and chose? Why doesn’t He just forgive them? Isn’t He the God of love? 

I’ve grown up hearing these questions my whole life when it comes to God. Things like this made me believe in the idea that there was the wrath of God versus the peace of Jesus. These ideas grew into assumptions that God was the one who was always full of anger and wrath, while Jesus was our friend, brought peace, and never acted out in anger…or at least not as intensely as God did. 

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Which Parts of the Bible Apply to Me?

Bible, God's plan, God's word, which parts of the Bible apply to me

Have you ever picked up the Bible and wondered, “Where do I even begin? Which parts of the Bible apply to me?” I was once told that the New Testament was all that us Christians need to read. They even went as far as saying that the Old Testament was just history. Just references and laws of the past that have nothing to do with our future. The instruction was to start reading from the Gospels to Jude, neglecting the Old Testament and Revelation. Have you ever heard anything similar? It seemed odd that I was only being told to read parts of the Bible, with the assumption that the Old Testament didn’t apply to me. 

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Why Are There So Many Denominations in Christianity?

division, denominations, christianity

Have you ever wondered why there are so many different denominations of Christianity? And they aren’t just different in name, each denomination has its own understanding of Scripture. They have different traditions, different ways to worship, and various things that each regards as important.

For example, at a Catholic church, communion and confession are vital. At a Pentecostal church, speaking in tongues is emphasized. At other churches with different denominations, baptism, praise, or volunteer work have greater value. 

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We Talk About the Bible At Church…So Why Can’t I Understand It?

bible, church, understanding

As believers, we should consider from time to time, what’s the purpose of going to church? What’s the purpose of learning God’s word? Is it for community? Is it to understand the Bible and God more?

It’s good to take time to reflect on our current lives of faith. Are we content with them? And if we’re not, then what should we do? When we go to church and talk about God or the Bible, do we understand everything we learn?

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Playing Hide and Seek with God

Hide and seek. It’s a game most of us are very familiar with and have played many times. We all know that rush of excitement and nervousness as the seeker begins their countdown while everyone else makes a mad dash to find that perfect hiding spot. The anticipation builds when you hear that, “Ready or not, here I come!” And then it’s time to hold your breath as you hope to remain unfound.

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The End of the World…Or Is It?


Did you shiver? Does it scare you? We’ve made it into the book of destruction, the end of the world. When’s the last time you read Revelation? Take a moment, skim through it…does it seem ominous? Terrifying? With things like dragons, seven-headed ten-horned beasts, a great prostitute, and beasts coming out of the sea and earth…and of course we can’t forget…the mark of the beast…6…6…6. This book is filled with things that make for the perfect apocalyptic movie (and actually has been used for them many times).

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Meeting God

finding God, meeting God, questions, understanding

A “heavenly meeting” I still remember: Light descending from the heavens kissed the ground, casting shadows equally beautiful, and leaving sparkling dust suspended in the air. Overhead, leaves whispered secrets to each other, and birds sang–this was peace and perfection. This was the holy land of my Midwest backyard. And there we strolled, my much older, visiting cousin and I, and she told me about God. 

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