Are You a Spiritual Shapeshifter? – Becoming Different Things to Win People for Christ

Are You a Spiritual Shapeshifter?

If you could have any X-Men power, what would it be? Would you want to heal like Wolverine? Or have telepathy like Professor X? Or maybe the power over ice like Iceman? One power that seems very advantageous is Mystique’s power. Hers is the ability to shapeshift her very body into any other person so she can fulfill her mission – whatever it may be. That ability could definitely be a danger to some people, but an asset to others. As neat as a physical ability like that could be, have you ever thought of being a spiritual “Mystique”? 

In 1 Corinthians 9, the Apostle Paul talks about “becoming all things to all people” for the sake of the gospel. What does Paul mean when he says this, and what does it mean for us as believers today?  Let’s find out. 

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