Why Are There So Many Denominations in Christianity?

division, denominations, christianity

Have you ever wondered why there are so many different denominations of Christianity? And they aren’t just different in name, each denomination has its own understanding of Scripture. They have different traditions, different ways to worship, and various things that each regards as important.

For example, at a Catholic church, communion and confession are vital. At a Pentecostal church, speaking in tongues is emphasized. At other churches with different denominations, baptism, praise, or volunteer work have greater value. 

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We Talk About the Bible At Church…So Why Can’t I Understand It?

bible, church, understanding

As believers, we should consider from time to time, what’s the purpose of going to church? What’s the purpose of learning God’s word? Is it for community? Is it to understand the Bible and God more?

It’s good to take time to reflect on our current lives of faith. Are we content with them? And if we’re not, then what should we do? When we go to church and talk about God or the Bible, do we understand everything we learn?

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