How to Worship God According to the Bible

worhip God, Bible, God's Word

If you’ve been around to many churches like me, you’ll know that every church has its own way of conducting worship. I’ve been to ‘hip’ churches for young college students that had a rotating roster of seven bands to fit everyone’s tastes. I’ve been to churches that share music from YouTube instead of having a live band. And I’ve been to churches where the congregation members speak in tongues and collapse in tears as the music hits its emotional peak. It seems as though Christianity is all over the board when it comes to worshiping God. And while we all want to worship God in the way we feel is best, let’s take a moment to consider what worship actually is and if we’re doing it according to the Bible.

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Do You Love God in the Way He Wants to Be Loved?

love god, love, Bible, God's love

How do you show your parents that you love them? Do you put a lot of thought into it?

When we are young, we usually express our love for our parents by giving them things that we like. 

“I think this is a nice picture, so Mom will be happy to have it.” 

“This is my favorite toy, so Dad will like it too.” 

And of course, our parents accept these miscellaneous objects as precious gifts. It’s not because they necessarily want that crayon drawing or those Lego pieces, but because they know the pure intentions of their children’s hearts. 

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