Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting:
“Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.” Revelation 19:6-7
I don’t know if you’ve heard the news – whether through a newspaper or on the Internet – but on November 20, 2022, Shincheonji Church of Jesus (New Heaven New Earth Church) held a large graduation ceremony for those who had completed their Bible study program at their study centers. These were graduates from all around the world. The event was held in Daegu at the Daegu Stadium. This was the second graduation ceremony they had with over 100,000 graduates – 106,186 to be exact. The first one was three years ago – which was the first of any kind in the world. And I was at both of them.
Both times, the entire venue was packed full of people – not only the participants, but the various support and medical staff, performing artists, musical ensembles, and other logistical workers. But the main “stars” were the graduates themselves. They were those who studied the Bible at the Zion Christian Mission Center and passed the course. They are those who have fully learned and understood God’s Word from Genesis to Revelation. One thing that amazed me at the first 100,000 graduation, and again at this second one, was how efficient and organized everything was. From the setting up, to rehearsal, the actual event, and the take down, everything moved quickly and safely. I’ve been to other large-scale events in the past (concerts, festivals, etc.) and those never had the same organization and movement Shincheonji’s events had. But even more important is the message I heard.
Both times, when the pastor of Shincheonji spoke, what he said was very different from what I’ve heard other pastors talk about. He talked about how God had been working since creation to re-create and reconnect with His people. He talked about how God had prophesied and is now fulfilling His words. I hadn’t heard any other pastor in my old home church speak like that. Why was he different? Shincheonji’s pastor teaches the Bible plainly – not that it’s his (personal) teaching, but it’s the understanding he received from God and Jesus (Rev. 10). Without him or the clear teaching he gives, neither this graduation nor the previous one would have been possible. Praise be to God and Jesus for allowing people to clearly learn and understand the Bible through this pastor.
Having studied in Shincheonji’s Bible class myself, and seeing what was happening, I had begun to truly realize that God, Jesus, and all of Heaven are with Shincheonji and its pastor. It’s something that you really have to see and hear to believe. It’s like what Jesus says in John 14:29,
“I tell you now before it happens so that when it does happen, you will believe”.
I had studied in their Bible course and made it through to entering the church. And I had heard and learned how everything happened. But seeing it happen before my very eyes, it truly made me realize how amazing God is. Everything Shincheonji did at the most recent graduation, all the work that went into making that event happen, all the graduates from around the world gathering in one place, none of those things would have been possible if God, Jesus, and all of heaven weren’t with Shincheonji.
So, as I reflect on the event, I want you, dear readers, to open your heart and ears to hear what Shincheonji Church and its pastor have to say. I hope you can come and study the Bible and find out for yourself what God has done and is doing even now. I pray you can believe in God’s word and its fulfillment. Amen. Peace.
Written by Kenny
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