If only you knew how much God loves you…how much He has worked and fought on your behalf. Like a military general that has been fighting a 6,000 year-long war, planning the most intricate rescue mission to redeem his people from sin and death…from Satan. Did you know?
If only you knew the countless lives that have been sacrificed to get His desperate plea to you: to come back to him. To leave darkness and step into the light. Yes, it’s scary. Everything we’ve ever known has actually been the greatest deception, Satan’s masterpiece. But God is even greater – always ahead of Satan, always working in the background, quietly, naturally, and building his case. And now He is presenting it, to you.

If only you knew how precious you are to God. That He would make sure to use language and life experiences that we would understand all throughout the Bible and in our daily lives, so that He could get our attention and explain Himself to us.
If only you knew that you haven’t known Him all along…What breaks God’s heart? What has His will and objective been for the last 6,000 years? Why did He have to leave His precious creation and hide Himself from us? Why did Jesus have to give his life for our sins? And why hasn’t sin stopped even after Jesus died?
If only you knew…God’s heart to rescue you. Can you hear his soft and gentle sigh? “If only they knew…”
However, because God is love, because God is gracious, because God will never abandon His people even if they’ve left Him and cursed Him and don’t know Him at all, He still gives us a chance. He has put His heart, His will, His pain and His plan into His Word – the Bible.

If only you knew His Word, then you would know that He sent his son to atone for our sins. That His beloved son laid down his life to purchase us from death, to pay back the debt that was owed for sin. And that His son promised to come back to bring us into salvation. If only you knew how his son has promised to return, the plan that has been laid out and how to recognize it.
If only you knew that God has promised to send a person that Jesus would work through and would remind us of Jesus’ teachings and lead us into full truth. No longer will we have the partial, confused explanations or re-directs that come when we have questions about the meaning of Jesus’ teachings or Revelation.
If only you knew that this person, whom Jesus will be working through, will work to create God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven so that God and all of heaven can return to their rightful dwelling place. Did you know? That God has been planning to come back to earth this whole time? Did you know you had been praying for it every time you said the Lord’s Prayer?
If only you knew that God has promised and has been working to finally be able to reconnect with you, His precious, lost creation. He’s asking you to come back to Him. To learn about who He truly is and be with Him forever.
If only you knew…but now you do know.
What are you going to do?
Written by Jay
If you would like to read more about what God has given us through the Bible, check out these posts!
The Great Deception: How and Where Satan Works
Expectation vs Reality: Jesus, the Man of Sorrows
Do You Want to Be Known as a Sheep?
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