Did you shiver? Does it scare you? We’ve made it into the book of destruction, the end of the world. When’s the last time you read Revelation? Take a moment, skim through it…does it seem ominous? Terrifying? With things like dragons, seven-headed ten-horned beasts, a great prostitute, and beasts coming out of the sea and earth…and of course we can’t forget…the mark of the beast…6…6…6. This book is filled with things that make for the perfect apocalyptic movie (and actually has been used for them many times).
What have we heard throughout most of our lives? “You don’t need to read this book, it’s not for us who are living on earth right now.” “We should pray for the generations to come, because they’re the ones who will experience this destruction.” Do you believe this? Or could it be that these false assumptions have kept us from knowing the actual truth?
Why is Revelation an Uncomfortable Book?
In Revelation 22:18-19, Scripture says,
“I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.”

Our inaction to even read Revelation is indeed taking away from the words of this book of prophecy. We have chosen to live our lives as we want, and there is simply no urgency in learning about the Bible. We believe that Revelation is something to fear, yet it’s the missing puzzle piece in our lives as Christians.
It’s Okay to Not Understand, Just Ask!
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why these are the feelings that surround Revelation?” Sure, Revelation is hard to understand, but that’s just it…the understanding. What if I told you that there is a true understanding of Revelation and that it’s not scary at all? What if everything we’ve ever previously heard about Revelation was incorrect? There might be destruction, it might be the end of a world, but it’s not the one that you expect.
Questioning what you’ve always known or thought can be hard – take it from me. I attended the same church my whole life, but never was I introduced to a teaching like what I’ve come to know. I always thought it was normal to base teachings and sermons from your own personal life. Isn’t that how the pastor gains the attention of the congregation? How else are we supposed to connect with the message if a personal, emotional touch isn’t added? You can’t just teach from the Bible, that’s impossible. Wrong. Again.
The End of the World…Is the Beginning of Something New
Through understanding Revelation, all of the other books of the Bible start to connect. You know when you’re about to finish a puzzle but there’s a piece missing? You search and search around for this piece, and sometimes you find it quickly and sometimes you can’t find it for a longer period of time. What if Revelation was the missing puzzle piece in your walk of faith, and all it takes is for you to seek it out? Once you find it, the puzzle can finally be complete.
Do you ever wonder why God would create a world in Genesis to just destroy it in Revelation? Why would He do all of that hard work for nothing?
In Revelation 4, Apostle John ascends into the spiritual realm. There, he’s shown the throne of heaven and what is to come. Well, what is to come?

Picture this. The world that God had always destined: no sin, sickness, mourning, pain, greed, or division. We would all be one family, living in harmony. A world where God dwells amongst his people and finally has His Sabbath rest. We see this perfect world in Revelation 21:1-6, and you could be a part of it. All it takes is one step, and the decision to seek out the complete understanding of God’s words.
Revelation is not the end of the world, but a creation of a new one.
This is only the beginning of understanding God’s intent and love for us, and we invite you to learn more, to understand more deeply. Ultimately, God wants you to know His plans for you, and for you to take that first step into the new world that God is creating for us to be with Him forever.
Written by Gabriella
Curious about the book of Revelation? Have any questions or want to know more? Feel free to contact us!
Also, be sure to check out these other posts related to common questions about the Bible and faith!
Do I Still Need to Read the Old Testament?
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