Why Are the Pharisees the Bad Guys in the New Testament?

pharisees, bad guys, new testament, jesus

Heretic! Demon possessed! Liar! 

A roar of countless voices hurls insults at Jesus. Hands grasping stones, prepared to throw. You’d maybe expect this kind of treatment for a cold-blooded criminal. But not for Jesus, the Son of God. Nevertheless, this is the kind of treatment he received when he went out to do the work of God. Most of us know that Jesus was not well-received during the time he was alive. But do you know who was to blame for Jesus’ treatment?

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The Danger of Adding Our Own Thoughts to the Bible

danger of adding our own thoughts, revelation, Bible, God, Jesus

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. 

Revelation 22:18-19

This passage comes as the very last warning written in the Bible.  Scary, right?

The last thing God tells us is to not add or take away from His word, especially the prophecy of Revelation. If we take away from it, God will take away our place in the holy city, i.e. heaven, and if we add to it, He will add the plagues in the prophecy. Yikes.

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How to Cash In Your Salvation Voucher

salvation voucher, how to cash in your salvation voucher, jesus, God, Bible

“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.”

John 1:12-13

As Christians, we may think that by saying, “I believe in Jesus and God, I’m saved,” like that’s all there is to it. One and done. Yet looking at the verse above, it says we have “the right to become God’s children”. What does that mean?

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What Are You Sacrificing for Your Life of Faith?

sacrificing for your life of faith, sacrifice, jesus, disciples, abraham, faith

How much would you say you’re sacrificing for your life of faith on a day-to-day basis? 

This probably isn’t a typical discussion question with friends or family, because for many, it’s not a very comfortable conversation. Growing up, I used to think that being a Christian required a lot of sacrifice. As someone who’s definitely not a morning person, getting up early every Sunday morning for church required tons of effort. That was a sacrifice, right? Plus, I spent lots of time at countless volunteering activities and outreaches.

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Is the Book of Revelation Literal or Figurative?

revelation, literal or figurative, God's will, prophecy

The book of Revelation is usually in Bible reading plans. Maybe it’s a part of your “Read the whole Bible in a year” plan or something similar. But Revelation usually isn’t the first book most people choose to read. That’s because it often seems scary, or difficult to understand. Countless pastors and theologians have written their own thoughts and interpretations on what Revelation actually means. Some of the questions that come up are things like, ‘Are the events described in Revelation literal or figurative? When do they happen? Will we be alive to see them take place?’ and countless other points of discussion and speculation. 

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It Is Finished: What Jesus Actually Completed

It Is Finished, fulfillment, promises, Jesus

Angry shouts filling the air, curses, beatings, humiliation, pain. And then, the final words from Jesus, “It is finished”. The event of Jesus bearing the cross is a familiar one for most Christians. But how much time do we spend truly reflecting on this moment? Recently, I was reading through the book of Matthew again and came across the account of Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion. Churches and media everywhere commonly refer to this event on Easter or in movies. But take a moment to really put yourself into that moment. Picture what it would’ve been like to be there.  

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Good and Bad Fruit in the Bible: Which One Are You Eating?

good fruit, bad fruit, fruit of life, tree of life, God's Word,

Good Fruits and Bad Fruits

How often do you eat fruit in a week? Do you have a favorite? As we all know, fruits are healthy and provide important nutrition for our bodies. When you go grocery shopping, I’m sure you take your time when selecting which fruits you’re going to purchase. You look for the ones that are ripe (or soon to be ripe), but stay away from ones that are beginning to spot or are a little too squishy. But sometimes grabbing a rotten fruit is unavoidable and you take it home. 

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Is God Able to Trust Everyone?

God trust, God's plan, believers

Trust. What does this word mean to you? Do you give your trust easily? Or does it take a lot of time and effort for you to even start thinking about trusting someone new? When we think about the ones we trust the most, think about what has led you to give it. Usually it has something to do with time. You’ve known them since childhood or their friendship has weathered the test of time. Or maybe they’ve proven that they are reliable again and again and will be there when we need them. For those that do have our trust, we could probably all agree that these people are the ones we would be okay sharing our important information or vulnerable feelings with. We trust these people to safeguard our secrets and the things we hold closest to the heart.

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Music to God’s Ears: How to Pray a Prayer that Pleases God

Music to God's Ears: How to Pray a Prayer that Pleases God

Picture this. You’re at a church gathering, everything is coming to an end and it’s about time for the closing prayer. They’re about to choose someone to pray and everyone starts to get nervous. You know the drill… smile, don’t make eye contact, don’t act suspicious, close your eyes, get ready to pray. But then, you hear your name. “Gabriella, will you pray for us?” My whole body seizes, and I forget how to talk. But I’m somehow able to mutter a nervous, “Sure,” with a smile on my face. Have you ever felt like this before? Or is it just me?

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