Are You Quarrelsome in Your Life and Faith?

quarrelsome, life of faith, peace, knowing, understanding

Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.

Proverbs 21:9

Just at face value, this proverb has a lot of wisdom. Who wants to share a house or a room with someone who is always quarrelsome? Have you ever had to do that? When the person you’re living with stirs up trouble and there is always a tense atmosphere hanging in the air? This proverb should help us reflect on ourselves and how we share our space with those around us. We should be peaceful, not quarrelsome, lest we make the other person want to live on the corner of the roof just to get away from us. 

But if we start to dig a little deeper, we can find a more spiritual meaning in this proverb as well. First, we have to consider a couple things: what do wives and husbands represent in the Bible, and what does the Bible say about the house where they’re living?

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Are You a Righteous Guide? – The Proverbs Series

righteous guide, bible, guide, counsel, the proverbs series

“One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor,
but the way of the wicked leads them astray.”

Proverbs 12:26

Have you ever counseled and guided someone before? It could be a friend, family member, or an acquaintance. Counseling is an important tool for helping others deal with all kinds of issues – finances, relationships, or other personal things. Counseling guides people to figure out the best way to resolve those issues that need addressing. It helps them get back to a sense of normalcy in life.

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Are You Prudent or Simple in Your Faith? – The Proverbs Series

prudent, simple, faith, God's Word

“The simple believes everything,
but the prudent gives thought to his steps.” 

Proverbs 14:15

What does it mean to be “prudent”? Being prudent is to be thoughtful and discerning…to not be hasty. Prudent people think about the possible consequences of their decisions before making them. We often show this quality when deciding which university to attend, or who we want to marry, or even the type of job we want. There are plenty of important decisions we give thought to before making them. But what does it mean to be prudent in the Bible? 

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Is Your Tongue a Tree of Life? – The Proverbs Series

tongue, tree of life, God's word, proverbs

“A gentle tongue is a tree of life,
but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.”

Proverbs 15:4

 A “tree of life” most likely makes you think of the Garden of Eden. But what does it mean that a gentle tongue is a “tree of life?”

Our words can hurt, or they can heal. They can build others up, or tear them down. I’m sure you’ve been hurt by what someone has said at some point in your life. And maybe you have even hurt others with your own words. On the other hand, I’m sure you’ve been encouraged by others’ words and you have encouraged others also. 

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Zeal Without Knowledge…It’s Not Good – The Proverbs Series

zeal, passion, knowledge, God's word, Bible

It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way.

Proverbs 19:2

The Zealous Enthusiast

Zeal is defined as enthusiasm, passion, eagerness in pursuit of something–fervor. Maybe you’re a Christian trying to share the gospel. Or rather, maybe you’re someone who wants to help the poor, or work for a world of justice. But if we do these things without sound knowledge of what we’re doing, it’s no good. We might even end up doing the opposite of what we intended, or missing the mark.

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