5 Bible Verses about Trusting God

photo of people reaching each other s hands

What is Trust?

Trust – it’s one of the most complicated things in the world when it comes to human relationships. This value is something built over time, it’s the foundation of human interaction. One wrong move and that trust you built with someone is broken and changed forever. Cheating, lying, and breaking promises are all key components to breaking your trust with someone. Does this sound familiar? Think about our relationship with God. 

From the time of Adam, up until now, God’s chosen people have constantly broken their covenants (promises) with God and cheated on him with other gods repeatedly. In other words, God’s people strayed and gave their sacrifices and hearts to other gods.  Yet each time His people betrayed, they were given more chances to fix what they had broken, but they never did. Yet in Revelation, God creates a new thing, a New Heaven and New Earth that become the people that will never betray Him and will live eternally by His side (Rv 21). So if we are living in a time when we have the chance to be trusted by God and become His people, then it’s important to ask why should we trust God?

A better question; why shouldn’t we trust Him?

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Would Jesus Choose to Explain the Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven to You?

secrets of the kingdom of heaven, Jesus, parables

In today’s world, we are all about inclusivity. We don’t want to alienate people or make them feel left out or bad. That’s a great thing when dealing with people in our daily lives. We should be loving and accepting of others. We can share information and knowledge with people we meet and form relationships with them. 

But if you had a deep secret, you wouldn’t want to tell just anybody, right? You would only tell the people you trust. If you told just anyone, that person could tell someone else and then your secret is no longer a secret. We all have things we would only tell to people we trust. God has those things, too.

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A Closer Look: Daniel, the Faithful Prophet

Daniel, prophet, faithful, obedient, prophecy

Let’s set the scene. It’s approximately 600 B.C. and Babylon has attacked Judah and taken over, taking the Jewish people into Babylon as exiles. A command comes for the best among the nobility and royal family to be taken. The healthy, handsome, skillful, educated, quick learners. They were to be taken to serve in the King Nebuchadnezzar’s palace (Daniel 1:3-5). At this time, Daniel was one of those who was taken to the palace under this order. Besides fulfilling the above specifications, Daniel was also a prophet who could interpret dreams and is now well known for being faithful to God. 

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A Closer Look: Abraham, the Father of Faith

Abraham, faith, obedience, God, covenant

For a long time growing up, I had very little connection to the Bible. Since the only real Bible we had was a King James version, as a child my reading plan always fell apart by the time I got to the Tower of Babel. And a children’s picture book of Old Testament stories could only take me so far. My knowledge was…vague at best. I could maybe recite a few key points regarding events of the Old Testament– often confusing Jonah with Noah. Regarding Abraham, I knew he had a son named Isaac…or was it Jacob? Or was he the one with twelve sons?

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Is God Able to Trust Everyone?

God trust, God's plan, believers

Trust. What does this word mean to you? Do you give your trust easily? Or does it take a lot of time and effort for you to even start thinking about trusting someone new? When we think about the ones we trust the most, think about what has led you to give it. Usually it has something to do with time. You’ve known them since childhood or their friendship has weathered the test of time. Or maybe they’ve proven that they are reliable again and again and will be there when we need them. For those that do have our trust, we could probably all agree that these people are the ones we would be okay sharing our important information or vulnerable feelings with. We trust these people to safeguard our secrets and the things we hold closest to the heart.

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5 God-Centered Ways to Grow Spiritually in 2021

I’m sure I’m not alone in wanting to use the new year as a chance to refocus to grow spiritually. Maybe you want to develop better prayer habits or read the entire Bible. Maybe you want to try to go to church more often. But overall, improving your life of faith is admittedly no easy feat. I used to tell myself every year that this would be the year I’d finally become the “good, mature Christian” I’d always wanted to be. The problem was that I would set the same goals, year after year, without being able to make any lasting changes in my life. I was obviously doing something wrong.

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