Continue reading “How Should Faith Affect Our Life?”“Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.”
Hebrews 13:7
Are You a Spiritual Shapeshifter? – Becoming Different Things to Win People for Christ
If you could have any X-Men power, what would it be? Would you want to heal like Wolverine? Or have telepathy like Professor X? Or maybe the power over ice like Iceman? One power that seems very advantageous is Mystique’s power. Hers is the ability to shapeshift her very body into any other person so she can fulfill her mission – whatever it may be. That ability could definitely be a danger to some people, but an asset to others. As neat as a physical ability like that could be, have you ever thought of being a spiritual “Mystique”?
In 1 Corinthians 9, the Apostle Paul talks about “becoming all things to all people” for the sake of the gospel. What does Paul mean when he says this, and what does it mean for us as believers today? Let’s find out.
Continue reading “Are You a Spiritual Shapeshifter? – Becoming Different Things to Win People for Christ”A Closer Look: The Prophet Jonah
“Hello, Jonah here. You’re probably wondering how I got here in the belly of a great fish. Well, it all started when I tried to run from God…”
When you think about the Old Testament prophet, Jonah, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? It’s probably how he was swallowed up by a fish, right? But have you ever wondered why that happened? Jonah is known as the “angry prophet” because he was told to preach to Nineveh and make them repent. They did, and Jonah was angry at God’s mercy. Jonah’s story is an important one for us as Christians to read and learn from. Let’s find out what it means for us today.
Continue reading “A Closer Look: The Prophet Jonah”How Many People Will go to Heaven According to the Bible?
It’s not even a sensational, click-bait title, but I’m sure there are readers that never clicked a link faster. Is there something like that in the Bible? Did God set a certain number of spaces in His kingdom? Oh, I hope not…So to put your hearts at ease—how many people will go to heaven according to the Bible?
Short answer: So many you won’t be able to count.
Continue reading “How Many People Will go to Heaven According to the Bible?”Are You Robbing God?
What Does the Bible Say about Tithing?
If you just won the lottery, and it was a large jackpot like $10 million dollars, what would you do with it? Would you spend it all or save it? Would you give some to charity or to close friends or family? The possibilities are endless. If you’re a Christian, would you give a portion to God in offerings or tithes? What role should money play in our lives of faith?
Continue reading “Are You Robbing God?”What is the Book of Philippians about in the Bible?
Philippians is a four-chapter letter written by Paul while he was in prison for preaching about Jesus Christ. Paul, also known as Saul, was born in Tarsus, from the tribe of Benjamin, and belonged to the Pharisees, a major group within Judaism at the time. That is until he quit persecuting Christians and joined them instead.
Continue reading “What is the Book of Philippians about in the Bible?”What is 1 Peter about in the Bible?
An Overview of 1 Peter
The Jews who believed in Jesus at that time were scattered about Asia and were persecuted. They were hurt and confused and doubting in their faith because of the persecution they received. Peter wrote to comfort them and remind them of what they must do in times of suffering; that they must hold onto the hope in God and blessings of those who remain faithful under trial.
Continue reading “What is 1 Peter about in the Bible?”What is the Book of Titus about?
The Book of Titus is a three-chapter epistle written to Titus, whom Paul left on the island of Crete to appoint church elders in every town. Paul gives Titus instructions, including what kind of people are fit to be elders.
Continue reading “What is the Book of Titus about?”What is the Book of James about in the Bible?
An Overview of James
James is a five-chapter epistle, or letter, written to the believers of Jesus Christ, the early Christian church. Written by James likely before 69 AD, this book teaches of how God’s people should behave, and places great emphasis on “don’t just say it–do it.”
Continue reading “What is the Book of James about in the Bible?”Are You Quarrelsome in Your Life and Faith?
Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.
Proverbs 21:9
Just at face value, this proverb has a lot of wisdom. Who wants to share a house or a room with someone who is always quarrelsome? Have you ever had to do that? When the person you’re living with stirs up trouble and there is always a tense atmosphere hanging in the air? This proverb should help us reflect on ourselves and how we share our space with those around us. We should be peaceful, not quarrelsome, lest we make the other person want to live on the corner of the roof just to get away from us.
But if we start to dig a little deeper, we can find a more spiritual meaning in this proverb as well. First, we have to consider a couple things: what do wives and husbands represent in the Bible, and what does the Bible say about the house where they’re living?
Continue reading “Are You Quarrelsome in Your Life and Faith?”