How would you feel if someone called you a sheep? Do you consider it to be a compliment or an insult? A quick search on Google or YouTube will promptly give you countless articles and videos about why you should be a black sheep, the different one, or motivation to be a lion among the sheep. So, then there’s this feeling or perception that…it’s not desirable to be a sheep.
Sheep are often used to describe someone or a group of people who don’t think for themselves. People who just blindly follow without making their own conscious choices. And even for real-life sheep…we hear all the time about how they wander off and get lost. For the most part, they really do just follow the herd and are easily led or influenced by the leader, whether it’s the shepherd dog or the shepherd themselves.
So, would you like to be called a sheep? Do you consider yourself to be similar to one? I think many of us would say a strong NOPE. Especially in Western society. From a young age, we have individualism, strength, and prowess ingrained into our minds.
But what if I told you that the qualities God desires from His believers reflect that of a sheep? Not a lion, not the strongest, not the cleverest, but the one who is obedient, who follows and listens well. Does that describe you? I know for me, the word sheep just left a nasty taste in my mouth and I wanted nothing to do with that term. I saw myself as strong and independent, proud of making my own way and choices in life. But all of that changed, better yet, had to change, once I started learning more about what the Bible says about sheep.
What Does the Bible Say?
In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus tells a parable about sheep and goats.
“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world…
…Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.”
Let’s break this down. When the Son of Man, Jesus, returns, all nations will be gathered before him. He will separate the sheep-like people from the goat-like people. Then, the sheep will inherit the kingdom of heaven. The goats…yeah. Not such a good ending for them.
The Characteristics of Sheep and Goats
What is a sheep? Clearly, it’s one who knows the Shepherd’s voice and listens to it. Therefore, a sheep obeys. It doesn’t go off on its own. Instead, it relies on the Shepherd.
What is a goat? It’s one that doesn’t follow the Shepherd or heed his voice. Goats are actually known to be sent into the middle of sheep to separate them – to cause division. And in the end, this stubborn, rebellious goat, gets separated from the sheep and sent to the eternal fire.
I remember reading this passage and feeling this deep conflict rise within me. “Does this mean I have to be weak? Does it mean I need to be submissive and just follow?” That did not sit well with me. But ultimately, I couldn’t argue with the Bible. Therefore, I had to reckon with my feelings and dislike of sheep. Why on earth does God call us to be sheep?
Why Sheep?
All throughout the Bible, God refers to His people as sheep (Ezekiel 34:31). They are His, the ones He protects and provides for. The ones He loves and guides to safety. From the beginning, all the way back in Genesis, the thing God asked Adam and Eve for was obedience. To follow His words so that He could protect them. Do not eat from the tree of good and evil.
The first commandment given to the Israelites was that they should have no other God (Exodus 20:3). Is this because God is a power-crazy deity that demands that His creation obeys Him? Obviously not, because if he was, why would He have given us the power to choose?
Let’s think about it like this. For a shepherd, what happens if a sheep wanders away from the flock? It could get lost. Or worse, it could be attacked by wolves or lions or whatever predator is nearby. If the flock stays with the shepherd, then it has protection. The shepherd can care and provide for the flock when he is with them.

Our Shepherd
Likewise, it’s the same with God. When we obey Him and stay near Him, He is able to protect us from the enemy. He is able to give us food for our spirits and comfort us in times of need. He guides us through the storms of life and ultimately wants to give His sheep, His people, eternal life where He can be with them forever. That is why He asks obedience from His people.
But if you are not a sheep-like believer and you like to wander away from the shepherd’s protection, you like to go off on your own and make no effort to be close to the shepherd, then that’s your own choice to walk away from the protection that the shepherd provides.
As Christians, we have to look at ourselves and see if we look more like a sheep or more like a goat? And if we come to the conclusion that we don’t look like a sheep, then we have to consider how to become more like one.
How to Be A Sheep
In John 10, Jesus refers to himself as the good shepherd. God sent him to be the leader for His sheep to follow.
I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me – just as the Father knows me and I know the Father – and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.
John 10: 14-16

If you consider yourself to be a Christian, then there’s no doubt that you believe you should follow Christ. Since Christ referred to himself as the good shepherd, then wouldn’t Christians be his flock of sheep? And what do his sheep do? They listen to his voice. In other words, they obey. While that shouldn’t be surprising news to us, it might be something we’ve overlooked or forgotten as Christians…that our whole lives of faith are largely dependent on obedience. Don’t agree? You might want to take another look at Matthew 25 again.
But should we then have blind obedience? Not knowing anything and just following? Nope to that too. If Jesus talks about his voice, then that means he is saying something to them. In order for them to follow him, he has to be speaking. So then, in order to follow the Shepherd, we must listen to and know what he has said.
How can we do that? What did Jesus say? It’s all recorded within the four gospels and the book of Revelation. Do you happen to know all of Jesus’ teachings? What about all the things he promised to do when he returns? If that’s a “no,” then how will you be able to obey what he has said?
Knowing and Following
Jesus replied, “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”
John 14:23
In order to be a sheep that follows the good Shepherd, we have to know the Shepherd’s voice – his teachings. And once we know his voice, we need to follow it, no matter where that voice asks us to go or what it asks us to do. Do you remember what kind of animal doesn’t listen and goes wherever it wants? A goat. The goat might hear the shepherd’s call, but unlike the sheep, goats do whatever they please. A goat could also be one who doesn’t even know the shepherd’s voice at all and therefore when the shepherd calls, it’s just another noise that means nothing special to the goat.
What does this look like in reality? If you aren’t even aware of Jesus’ teachings, if you don’t know the Word at all, do you think you’ll be considered to be a sheep or a goat? How can you keep a command or obey a teaching when you don’t even know what to keep?
Our Conclusion
So, don’t be a goat. Don’t be one that gets separated to the left and sent to a place where no one wants to go. Let us be sheep: gentle, calm, and obedient. Be one that stays close to the Shepherd, listens to and follows his voice wherever he guides them. In order to do that, we have to follow the Word. The Bible is where we can learn all of the Shepherd’s words and then follow them.
If you find yourself struggling with the idea of becoming more sheep-like in your faith, then ask the Shepherd to help you and He will guide you closer to Him.
Written by Jay
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