If you’ve been around to many churches like me, you’ll know that every church has its own way of conducting worship. I’ve been to ‘hip’ churches for young college students that had a rotating roster of seven bands to fit everyone’s tastes. I’ve been to churches that share music from YouTube instead of having a live band. And I’ve been to churches where the congregation members speak in tongues and collapse in tears as the music hits its emotional peak. It seems as though Christianity is all over the board when it comes to worshiping God. And while we all want to worship God in the way we feel is best, let’s take a moment to consider what worship actually is and if we’re doing it according to the Bible.
What is Worship and Why Do We Do It?
What is worship? Is it singing loudly to God? Speaking in tongues? Praying together? Reciting the Bible or a hymn in unison as a congregation? One thing we can all acknowledge is that worship is giving glory to God. It’s giving Him credit and thanks for everything He has done, is doing, and will do in the future. For the Father who created us and has loved us despite our having done nothing to deserve it, worship is a time for His creation to say thank you to Him.
And it’s not just us humans that worship God, all of heaven does it too. In Revelation 4, we see four living creatures before the throne of God, giving glory, honor, and thanks to God. We see twenty-four elders fall before Him in worship, calling him worthy.
We might want to take a trip to heaven to learn a bit more about how to properly worship God. Surely the angels of God would have it down to an art form. Thankfully, we don’t have to worry about getting a passport to heaven for now, because we can see how God wants to be worshiped in the Bible.
How to Worship God in the Way He Wants
In John 4, Jesus tells us that we must have two things in order to worship God. And these two things have nothing to do with the style or volume of music. They’re not about how much you cry or don’t, or if you speak in tongues or not.
“God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in Spirit and truth.”
John 4:24
Jesus says that the people who worship this way are the true worshippers that the Father seeks (John 4:23). So what does it mean to worship in Spirit and truth?
Worship in Spirit
To worship in spirit refers to worshiping with the Spirit of God. This means having the Holy Spirit of God within us. Being connected to Him through the Spirit, allows us to worship Him in a way that He accepts. That sounds a bit abstract–how can you know if you have the Spirit of God in you? Is it through healing people? Speaking in tongues? Prophesying?
According to John 6:63, the Spirit is the Word. It is through receiving the Word of God that we can receive the Holy Spirit of God. If we have God’s Word, His Holy Spirit will be with us and will allow us to come before God as true worshipers.
Worship in Truth
Speaking of Spirit and Word, the second thing Jesus says we need is truth. By now we know that we aren’t talking about truths in math, history, or science. We’re referring to the truth of God’s Word. God’s word is truth (John 17:17). To know how to worship God, we have to understand what His Word is saying. In that way, we won’t be just worshiping in any way we think is good.
Imagine you’ve received an invitation to meet a king or queen. Since it’s kind of a big deal and there are a lot of protocols to follow, you’re given a handbook that tells you all the do’s and don’ts. Obviously, you would study it well so that you didn’t offend the ruler, right? But let’s say you don’t look at it. You’re a likeable enough person, after all. You are pretty well-behaved and have been in formal situations before. This ruler would be happy with you however you are right now.
With this kind of mindset, you’re bound to make a mistake or break some royal protocol. Then, without even knowing what you did wrong, you’d find yourself in the dungeon. What would that king or queen be left thinking? Ah, this person didn’t bother to learn or follow what I asked of them. I provided the knowledge to be able to approach respectfully but they disregarded it.
Wouldn’t there be some disappointment that this person didn’t care enough to take the time to learn what the king wanted? And all the while, the person who committed the offense is oblivious to the blunder they made. To do something properly, knowledge is key. And it’s the same with the Bible and our worship of God.
The Worship God Doesn’t Like
If there’s a way God wants to be worshiped, then there must also be ways that just don’t cut it. Take a look at Isaiah 1 and you’ll see God speak of His children that have turned against Him. To the Israelites, His own chosen people, God says that the sacrifices they bring before Him are meaningless. Detestable. His soul hates their festivals, and He wants to hide His face from them.
What possibly could’ve happened that God would say these things to His own people? Isaiah 29 shows us that nobody–not the leaders or their followers–understood the word of God. And when you don’t understand or know something, there’s really no chance you can properly follow or live by it. This is why God says in verse 13,
“…these people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men.”
Isaiah 29:13
Like we saw in the previous section with offending the king, the one who made the mistake remains ignorant of it. They continue to profess their love and affection for the ruler in a way that is unacceptable. Although they’re there physically, their heart is a million miles away because they don’t understand what the ruler truly desires.
How Does Improper Worship Make God Feel?
Without truth and understanding, this is what our worship of God becomes. Something we do with our body but not our hearts. As the receiver of this worship, how do you think God would feel? We saw in Isaiah 1 that God finds their worship detestable and burdensome–and wouldn’t it also be heartbreaking?
The purpose of telling His people about Himself and how to worship Him was so that He and His creation could be together. For His family and creation to be reunited, like He originally wanted back in Eden. But even when Isaiah or even Jesus told the Israelites about the reality of their status before God, they refused to accept it. As Jesus said,
“I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing”
Luke 13:34
So God had to watch his people’s hearts wander farther and farther away. And all the while, they were claiming to love and honor Him.
How Am I Worshiping God?
So now it’s time to ask ourselves too. When God watches me worship Him, how does it make Him feel? Is my worship based on the understanding of His word? Or is it based on my own thoughts or someone else’s way that they think is best? Have I taken the time to consider God’s standards?
We see that worship of God is less about the external things like music and singing, and more about the Word we carry and take with us when we come before God. Through Spirit and truth, we can worship God in the way He desires. Let’s make an effort to bring our hearts closer to His and give Him worship that not only brings Him glory but is actually according to what He wants and what pleases Him.
Written by Samantha
To learn more about what God wants from us as believers, check out these posts too!
Have You Kept Your Promises with God?
Do You Want to be Known as a Sheep?
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