“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
Proverbs 1:7
What do you fear? The word “fear” can mean “scared” or “afraid”. Maybe you fear spiders or snakes, being attacked in the middle of the night; maybe you fear loneliness or isolation. There are many different things people are afraid of. I fear getting in a fight. I don’t want to get punched or hit. But when the Bible talks about “fearing the Lord”, is it referring to this same kind of fear?
The Fear of the Lord
When we fear the Lord, should we be afraid of Him? God created everything, and that power alone should at least make us a little afraid. When God spoke to His people, the Israelites, during Moses’s time, they felt like dying when they heard the sound of God’s voice. In Exodus 20, when God gave the Ten Commandments, the people heard the thunderous sound of God’s voice and were absolutely terrified.
“…and they stood far off and said to Moses, “You speak to us, and we will listen; but do not let God speak to us, lest we die.” Moses said to the people, “Do not fear, for God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”
Exodus 20:19-20
The Israelites also saw the power of God in Egypt when the plagues came. They saw the Red Sea part and even walked through it. They soon learned if they went near God while He was on Mount Sinai, they would die (because of their sinful condition). The people pleaded with Moses to speak to God for them. Moses, too, felt afraid when God spoke directly to Him (Hebrews 12:21).
We can see many times throughout the Bible when the people who God chose to show Himself to were deathly afraid of Him and His presence. Prophets like Ezekiel and Daniel, and the Apostle John, all fell on the ground out of fear when they met God.
God, the giver and Creator of all life, also holds the ability to destroy what He has created. He has the power to destroy our bodies and souls (Matthew 10:28). God is all-powerful. So if I met Him, I would definitely feel afraid…wouldn’t you?
A Different Kind of Fear
While “fear” can mean to be afraid of something, it can also mean “to have a respect or reverence for someone or something”. We have this sort of fear when it comes to authority figures like our parents, teachers, or leaders in the community such as senators, mayors, or presidents. We generally view them as above us in a way because of their position or authority.
So that brings to mind these questions: How do you view God? Do you view Him as one on the same level as you or as the Almighty Creator of everything?
Having Reverence for Our Creator
If we treat national leaders and royalty with great respect, then we should treat God, the Creator of the universe, with infinitely more respect and reverence. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…”; we should respectfully fear God because of who He is.
God is the Father of all creation. One of the commandments God gave us was to honor your father and mother. When we grow up, we respect our parents because they have cared for us, taught and guided us, and loved us. When you talk to your parents, even as an adult, do you talk to them like they’re your friends and peers? Even now, at almost 40, I still feel a little bit like a kid when I’m with my parents. While our relationship has changed over the years, I still view them and talk to them with greater respect than when I’m around my friends.
What about with God? Do you talk to God like a parent, or as one of your friends?
In Hebrews 12:9 it says that God is the father of spirits. He created our spirits (Zechariah 12:1) and we owe God the respect He deserves as our spiritual Father. We can also show love and respect to God by following the commands He has given. Just like how we showed love and respect for our parents when we listened to the rules they set for us when we were young.
The Fear of the Lord is Wisdom
“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.”
1 Corinthians 13:11
If you’ve worked with children, either now or in the past, you know they don’t always make the best or wisest decisions. They don’t understand why certain actions (or words) are wrong or how they affect others. As they grow and mature, they begin to see those things more clearly and start to change their ways. Those who mature well have a greater awareness of the world around them and can act more wisely. By the time they’re adults, they are fully mature physically, mentally, and emotionally.
When we first received God’s Word or when we first started to follow Him, did we fully understand it from the very beginning? No, we are like children in a spiritual sense. Just like how it takes time for a seed to grow into a full tree, it takes time for us to fully understand God and His Word. God’s Word is the seed that grows in the fields of our hearts. And we must care for it daily in order for our spirits to grow and mature.
The Fear of the Lord Brings Change and Maturity
Even if we say we believe in God and Jesus, we don’t always live those words out. Our actions and thoughts about God and His Word still seem childish in God’s eyes. But as we grow in knowledge and understanding of God’s Word and His will for us as believers, we should change in our attitudes and approach to how we view God, His Word, and our own lives.
In Galatians 5:9, Paul writes that “a little leaven leavens the whole lump,” and likewise, Jesus likens the kingdom of heaven to yeast that’s put into flour. We know that leaven (or yeast) completely changes the dough. We are like the dough that the yeast of God is supposed to be mixed into. So if that yeast is in us, we should change in ways that make us more like God, our Creator. As we change, we will no longer act like children, but instead obey and do things for our Father more willingly. We would care for others more easily instead of just caring about ourselves.
Just as Christ fully focused on the work God gave to him and obeyed it willingly even to death, we too need to mature to have the same heart and mindset of Christ. A mature believer does things without grumbling or complaining because they understand what lies ahead. They believe in the promises of God and God’s work of fulfilling His promises. As they begin to look more like God inwardly, it naturally shows outwardly through their actions and words.
Let Us Truly Fear God
So let me ask you again, “Do you fear the Lord?”
In our daily lives, we have respect and fear for the laws set by our governments. We follow them more closely and carefully as we become adults. In our spiritual lives, God’s Word is His law. And as we become spiritual adults, we need to follow it more closely out of the love and respect we have for God. He is the Creator of all things, of our spirits, and the giver of life. He is worthy of our fear and respect.
Do I Have a Reverent Fear of the Lord?
As we think of who God is, and what He wants for us, let us reflect on our own words and actions. The Bible is a mirror we should use to check ourselves. To see if we are living as God wants us to.
“Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror, and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.
But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it–he will be blessed in what he does.”
James 1:23-25
I know I don’t always act like I should as a believer, and I still have a lot to change. How about you? We should work to change our actions and attitudes towards God and His Word if we truly want to be called “God’s children”. We will be wiser in how we deal with His Word. As we change ourselves, we mature and grow up to be more like God our Father.
So, how can we become wiser and more mature? We grow by knowing and understanding God’s Word. In John 1:1 it says God is the Word. So if we know the Word, then we will know God. And naturally, the Word changes who we are. Let us truly fear God by knowing His Word and living by it.
Written by Kenny
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