Have you ever created something?
It could’ve been a sculpture, a table, a painting, or another invention of some kind. How did you feel once it was completed? Maybe you were happy, proud even, to see your finished product. Now imagine that your creation, the thing you spent endless hours of work on, pouring all of your effort into, was then damaged, or destroyed by someone…on purpose. All of that hard work and dedication to make this beautiful creation…ruined. What kinds of feelings or thoughts would go through your mind?
In the Bible, we see that all of God’s creations that were originally made to be precious and good have become damaged, corrupted. This was all because of a deep betrayal. Who betrayed God and damaged His creation? Satan.
God, the Creator
From Genesis 1, we know that God created the heavens, the earth, and all things. Everything God creates is intended to be holy and good because He Himself is holy and good. He cannot and will not do anything evil because God Himself has no evil within Him, like it says in James 1:13.
When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone.
So if God is holy and cannot do evil, then why does evil exist? Did God create evil? Well since we’ve already established that there is no evil within him, then evil must have come from something other than God. Evil exists because of another spirit at work: Satan, also referred to as the devil or as we see in Genesis, the serpent.
Well then, did God create Satan? Countless people have wondered and asked this question throughout time. So let’s look at who Satan is and where he came from.
Did God Create Satan?
Quick answer, no. What God did create was an angel named “Lucifer,” which means morning star. This morning star was the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. He held the rank of archangel, a commander in God’s holy army, entrusted with great authority (Ezekiel 28:12, 14). But because of this authority, because other creations of God were obedient to him, Lucifer developed pride within himself. He began to covet the throne of the true Creator, God.
“How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn!…You said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven, I will raise my throne above the stars of God, I will sit enthroned on the mount of the assembly…I will make myself like the Most High.”
Isaiah 14:12-15
As greed grew within him, Lucifer chose to rise against God. He betrayed the trust and authority God had given him, and tried to take everything for his own. Consequently, this greed in the heart of Lucifer led him to betray God and take countless other angels with him in his quest to usurp God’s throne.
And so, he was thrown from heaven down to earth. Lucifer’s betrayal made him an enemy of God. That’s where the title Satan comes from: adversary. “Devil” means ‘opposer, obstructor, deceiver’. These names we call him today identify what he does. And who does he do it to? God and those who God loves the most: us. Ever since being thrown out of heaven, Satan’s goal has been to corrupt God’s people, to destroy God’s precious creation that Satan couldn’t become the ruler over.
So did God create Satan? No. He created a perfect being. That perfect being corrupted itself with pride and greed to be more than it was intended to be.
Why Didn’t God Foresee Satan?
We usually think of God being all-knowing. He can see everything coming and can also anticipate and have an expectation of what His creations will do. But at the very beginning, why would God, who is holy and good, have expected His creations to be any different than Him? God has no evil within Him; therefore, He would not anticipate evil to take place.
We have to remember, we’ve been born into a sinful world. All we know is the corrupted form that Satan has twisted God’s creations into. But in the beginning, back before sin existed, why would God expect evil, pride, greed, or betrayal when none of those things exist within Him or in any of His creations at that time?
If you were a parent, then you know and can imagine the love and dedication you would put into raising your child. You would give your all to make sure they are loved, safe, cared for, right? You would want the best for your child and would hope that they could grow into a good person.
As a parent, would you expect your child to become a murderer? Would you anticipate or wait for your child to one day turn their back on you, after giving them everything and loving them perfectly? Would you expect them to go off and try to destroy everything you love?
It’s the same for God. He deeply loves His creations and had no expectation for evil to come from this perfect and holy being He created.
How Did God Feel?
How do you think God felt in that moment when wickedness was found within Lucifer? When his pride and greed led him to gather countless other of God’s creations…while watching them try to ascend to the throne? Has someone ever betrayed you before? When someone we love and trust, be it a family member, a close friend, or a significant other, betrays you, it cuts deeply.
Can you imagine the heartache God felt? In Ezekiel 28:12, God tells the prophet Ezekiel to take up a lament, as he prepares to talk about the betrayal of Lucifer. A lament is a passionate expression of grief and sorrow. Wailing. Groaning. Weeping. This is God’s heart towards the betrayal He suffered. How much more has His heart been broken since then as Satan has had his way with this world and the people that God created?
So, God Didn’t Create Satan. Why Is That Important for Us?
As Christians, we need to try to understand the Bible and the events in it from God’s perspective. After all, that’s why we call it God’s Word. God had created a world of light and life, but through deception, Satan has caused God’s people to disobey Him, and has corrputed God’s creation with sin and death.
When sin entered the world, it went from being God’s world to the devil’s (1 John 5:19). It’s evident if you just take a look around and really think about whose characteristics are reflected in what we see today. Is it holiness, righteousness, goodness, light, and life? Or is it greed, pride, deception, sin, and death?
Human history is full of the proud and their conquests, the arrogant, the greedy, the lustful, and all kinds of evil things. Unfortunately, many, if not all of these horrible things have also been done in the name of religion. How do you think God feels when He sees these things happening?
It Starts with Me
While it’s hard to change the whole world to become more like God and how He intended it, we can always start with ourselves. We should examine ourselves using the Bible as a mirror. I don’t know about you, but I often catch myself becoming a little prideful or greedy when good things happen in my life. It’s at those times when I need to step back and remember that God is the one who gives those good things, and I should be grateful and humble.
How about you? The next time you feel greed, or pride, or some other emotion that may get in the way between you and God, I hope you can take that step back and reflect. Do I look more like God’s original, intended creation? Or more like the creation that has become corrupt?
And once we take that step of reflecting, we can begin the work of changing ourselves. Focusing on God, and how He wants us to live – close to Him. Have you ever heard the saying, “You are who you hang out with”? Spend more time with God, become more like Him. And in doing that we can ensure that we don’t become another source of heartbreak for Him. Instead, we can be a source of His joy.
Written by Kenny
If you’d like to read more about what Satan has been able to do and what we should be doing, then check out these posts!
Good and Bad Fruit in the Bible: Which One Are You Eating?
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no…God knew. God is perfect and all knowing
and in creating Lucifer,
He was preparing and showing that good/beauty/wisdom can be great! but–
the image of perfection (outside of Himself/Jesus) is a lie…
but He loves His creations so much…
He didn’t condemn from the start, He gave Lucifer the option to be good and have
authority/respect because God made him a quality creation and wants all His creations
to be good and feel loved…
but Lucifer was not a perfect being because his heart was not (by choice)…
God gave Lucifer a chance to feel the Love that he was made with
and understand it comes from God…but instead Lucifer directed that
love toward himself. God knew this would be but gave the space for him
to make his choice. God waited until Lucifer’s final decisions to reveal
his thoughts/word/judgement. Our Father did this for us/His Creation to
know that the image of perfection is a lie and pride even from the wise is foolish…
to show that the most beautiful thing can truly be/become the most ugly…
that only God/Jesus is perfect and true and right.
He did this to show the most important thing for us free-will-creations….
to LOVE, Love the Source of Our Love (GOD/JESUS) and to Love the Creation of this Love.
wow Our God is so Good….GENIUS. Praise the Lord.
Man, if Lucifer would have just been like “ok, you know what? I got it good…I’ll be good.”
but it wasn’t enough…now, God’s plan is still carrying out to wrap all this up.
I think Satan is too prideful to admit he is wrong, or is now at this point
morphed into a completely diseased and derranged toxicity and actually looks forward to hell?
who knows…but he is no longer Lucifer, who once could
reside with God, changed by his own choice to be something…horrendously ugly.
it’s kinda sad…but he has done/caused so much sickness in this world…
trying to turn Our Father’s children against Him, not trust Him, feel abondoned by Him…
so many lies…. just because he wanted to sit in a high chair above Daddy…so weird.
He couldn’t handle the amount of Love he felt and just accept it for one
but a step further he felt fed by it, like he deserved it, could hijack it, like it was his…
he was drunk on the power that Our Father’s love feels like…drunk on being such a utilization
of Our Father’s intelligence…he couldn’t handle it, he didn’t want to accept and surrender to it-
honestly, I’m dissappointed in him. I don’t know how he could turn on Our Perfect Daddy like that…yuck.
wow. we are so loved…so blessed. mind blowing. so humbly grateful,
I feel like a spoiled, rich daddy’s girl.
Thanks for your comment! It’s clear to see that you really have love for God in your words.
In regards to whether or not God ‘knew’ that Lucifer would betray him, we cannot quickly conclude that God knew.
Here’s something for you to consider: If God knew everything in the sense of knowing everything in advance, why did God create mankind only to regret it? In Genesis 6, God sees that the world is filled with evil and is deeply troubled in his heart and regrets creating mankind. If God had known that mankind would become filled with evil, and this would cause God himself to regret creating us, then why make man in the first place? And moreso, why go through the trouble of sending Jesus to die for our sins?
If we look at these aspects, we can’t simply claim or conclude that God knew that Lucifer would betray. There is much more to be learned about God and the Bible!