Playing Hide and Seek with God

Hide and seek. It’s a game most of us are very familiar with and have played many times. We all know that rush of excitement and nervousness as the seeker begins their countdown while everyone else makes a mad dash to find that perfect hiding spot. The anticipation builds when you hear that, “Ready or not, here I come!” And then it’s time to hold your breath as you hope to remain unfound.

But what if you hide yourself, and wait, and no one comes looking? You wait and wait and wait…and wait…and no one comes. Either you’ve found the best hiding spot ever, or the person you were playing with isn’t looking for you. It’s not much of a game then, right?

How would you feel in that moment? When you realized that the other person didn’t care to come looking for you? Hurt? Confused? Angry? After all, you two made a deal to play this game together. So what will you do next? Remain hidden? Angrily storm out of your hiding spot and demand to know why that person isn’t looking for you? Would you try to make a little noise to get the attention of that person you were playing with – to try and remind them of the game that they forgot about, and to come find you?

Our relationship with God is much like this timeless game of hide and seek. Have you ever felt or wondered, “Why is God so hard to understand?” “Why are there so many unknowns or questions surrounding religion and God?” The fact that we need to ask questions, to seek answers, isn’t an accident. Actually, it was God’s intention. Isaiah 45:15 says,

“Truly you are a God who hides himself, O God and Savior of Israel.”

hide and seek, God hides, seek, ask

Why would our loving God and Father hide? Isn’t He everywhere all the time, waiting to answer our every prayer and request? But is this what the Bible says or is it our own idea of God? Scriptures say He hides. Our Creator, who has worked so hard to provide for and redeem His creation, wants to see if His creation truly wants Him back. So He hides, just a little beyond our understanding, waiting to see who will come find Him. Who cares enough to seek Him out? But how painful do you think it must be when His people don’t even search for Him?

When is the last time you asked in your prayers, “God, what do You want for me? God, what are Your desires?” Have you asked recently to know Him more, to learn His heart, and what gives Him pain or what brings Him joy? Or has this relationship been one-sided?

When you start seeking God, what do you think that shows? As we know, in the game of hide and seek, the seeker wants to find the one hiding. When you seek God, it shows Him that you care. Think about a relationship where one side doesn’t put in much effort. Everything is focused on them. When you hide, they don’t look for you because they’re so consumed with their own life and what they’re doing. Do you want to be in a relationship like that? Do you think God would also want to have relationships with us like that?

hide and seek, God hides, seek, ask

Although God hides himself, He doesn’t make Himself impossible to find. All it takes is that one step to start seeking Him. One prayer. “God, please help me find You.” And He has already given us His answer to that prayer:

“I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.”

Proverbs 8:17

Do you find yourself questioning things these days? Things that used to sit well with you, but now you’re re-examining? What once used to satisfy you now leaves you feeling empty or wanting more. Pursue that feeling. Listen to that inkling of wanting to seek more. When you’re hungry, don’t you look for food? When you’re thirsty, don’t you look for something to drink? If your spirit is seeking, then allow it to seek its Creator (Zechariah 12:1).

God is calling you. So, it’s time to listen and seek Him back.

Written by Jay

Read more about what God wants from us as believers in these posts!

Do You Want to Be Known as a Sheep?

How Can I Live a Righteous Life?

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